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Campaña contra la impunidad

Justicia es salud

Medizinische Flüchtlingshilfe Bochum e.V.

Netzwerk gegen Straflosigkeit / Red contra la impunidad / Network against impunity

Estimados companer@s y ayudantes,

Estamos contento informarles de que se encontraba a Dr. Guy Kitwe Mulunda ayer. El estaba detenido en un carcel militar, donde le golpeaban fuertemente los soldados. Pero esta vivo y ahora se encuentra en un hospital pero en libertad. (ve carta adherida de su organisación)
Agradecemos a todos los que expresaban su solidaridad con Dr. Kitwe Mulunda.

Knut Rauchfuss
Bianca Schmolze


Good news: we have found Kitwe Mulunda Guy

Dear colleagues,

I am very happy to inform you that we have found Dr. Kitwe Mulunda Guy on Friday 4th July 2008 about 17:00 thanks to lawyers from the Congolese civil society. Kitwe was detained in a military prison at 30 Km from the city of Lubumbashi in the absence of valid charges. Kitwe is free and alive.  He told us he has been beaten to death by soldiers the first day of his arrest and he bleeded. He is headache and physically weak. At the moment Kitwe is at the clinic centre in Lubumbashi for physical examination and treatment.

On behalf of the SAVE CONGO and Kitwe's family, I thank you so much for your collaboration and support. Also, thanks a lot for your prayers.

Kind regards,

Irène Mikombe
Secretary General

Raphael Mafinge

588 avenue de Calcaire
Lubumbashi, Katanga

Informaciones de la red

 Boletin Agosto 2007 


World Coalition Against Torturers (WCAT)

International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT)

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